#1 Bias in Cable News
Most vs Least Biased Cable News
Depicting whether or not to believe something on cable news is true, the choice is up to you. Bias in cable news have been around for years but have gone stronger in recent years. Bias in cable news specifically centered around politics amongst other things have been the driving force these days. Now to understand bias in cable news you should first understand what a bias is. A bias is a disproportionate weight in favor of or against an idea or thing, usually in a way that is closed-minded, prejudicial, or unfair. Biases can be innate or learned. People may develop biases for or against an individual, a group, or a belief (Bias Wiki).
Bias can make or break how a situation is to be conceived. Some bias comes from a place of really not knowing as much about something and others can come from favoritism of such things or just pure ignorance. It really does not help when there are complete lies being spread on the news in cable because for some people that is the only source of news they will obtain from. Many might not have access to news over social media and basically believe what is first presented and published on TV. Since social media has become prevalent and a huge part of society many adults and preferably teens can decipher whether what is being said in cable news rings accurately. Moving on to the networks that create bias in cable news. Now you know the typical ones like CNN, Fox News, and MSNB. Let me dissect the most biased to least biased dealing with cable news.
I will be dealing with one most biased news network vs one least biased news network. Let's start with the most biased in cable news. First to analyze is Fox News. Fox News is one of the most biased news sources. Taking a look at this chart you can see the amount of percentage Fox News is biased. Many of whom know Fox News is heavily influenced conservative on their topics where they don't see a point to the other side's logic. According to a Pew Research Center survey “Fox News was the main source for 40% of Trump voters” during the 2016 election. Further, another Pew Survey indicates “When it comes to choosing a media source for political news, conservatives orient strongly around Fox News. Nearly half of consistent conservatives (47%) name it as their main source for government and political news.” Usually Fox News utilizes a lot of conservative guests to further push their narrative and rarely pick analysts that share an independent or liberal opinion. Also with Fox News they push shoddy or disrespectful headlines that appeal to their conservative audience and blatantly criticize others. Examples such as “NASA scientists fudged the numbers to make 1998 the hottest year to overstate the extent of global warming.” Or Obamacare is “one big fat VA system.” These types of headlines can be very misleading and concoct various things about the left. The headlines are condescending and come from a place of opinion and not factually things.
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